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Post by Gaara Of The Sands Sun May 24, 2015 7:47 pm

Staff Guidelines:

• Give a reason to the person you are punishing

• Give a specific time to a punishment.

• Depending on the situation, give at least one warning to a player before punishing them.

• Show a decent amount of maturity.

• Grudges are not to be held against any player or staff member.

• Do not use any admin powers for any kind of Roleplaying purpose.

• Do not argue against any other staff member. If there are problems, report it to a Super Admin or the owner.

• When punishing a player, be sure to use the tab menu. Typing their name out in chat may affect other people who have similar letters/words in the name. If for some reason your commands are not showing up, copy the rule breaker’s id to clipboard, and use the command in chat, and paste the steam id into it.

• Do not use any power towards your own advantage. Examples of this are: Spawning yourself weapons for your own use, or freezing players who are raiding you.

• Do not threaten to use powers that you DO NOT HAVE.

• Do not interfere with another Staff Member's work unless if they ask you to. If you feel that they have been abusive with their powers, speak to a Super Admin.

• You are still expected to play normally on the server; you are not to consider yourself an "admin on duty".

• Staff members are still expected to follow all regular rules.

• “Admin Disrespect” is not a valid reason for punishments. If it’s constant harassment, then action can be taken.

Powers and their proper usage:


You have alot of new "JOBS" wich is really important you DO NOT ABUSE Remember to read the describtion on ever job.

• Member

You gain These "Tools" as a Member.

•You need to answer as many "@" "admin sit's" as possible.


You get all Member's "Tools" and

You aswell need to answer as many "@" "admin sit's" as possible.

You're the higest application you can achive, and will achive a huge discount if you ever want to be a full admin and be able to apply for Headadmin, Superadmin.

You gain all above and


You're an admin, Respect your Duty Please.

•Al tools above
•You can give guns
•You can strip guns
•rocket explode almost everything actually

You're as far as it get's It's actally called server owners on this site, we dont got other super admins.
•You got all tools
We are actually 3 owners.

"Gaara of the Sands" "GanjafarDK" "Spiril" Spiril isn't active yet becuase he just bought a new PC.

Gaara Of The Sands

Posts : 7
Join date : 2015-05-24

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